Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm always learning ... never make assumptions ...

I had a 5 year old visitor yesterday … he saw a paperclip on my desk and asked me what it was.  He had no idea what it was.  We spent some quality time playing and experimenting what could be done with those clever little items. … He really enjoyed clipping papers together. 

I also showed him how to make a chain.  I think I will put a bunch in a baggie to give him to take home.  I do have a relatively good quantity in my colorful bucket ‘o’ clips.  I could spare a few.

Watercolor trays

I walked into the kitchen this afternoon and Blanca was painting corn husks so she could make flowers.  She had a water color try (the kind you buy for your kindergartener at the beginning of the school year).  This must have been leftover from a delegation.

She had broken off a small chunk of one of the colors and put it in about a cup of water to mix.  It wasn’t doing a very good job of painting the corn husks.

I had to show her (an almost 50 year old) how to get the tip of the brush wet and merely skim the top of the chosen color.  And viola … it’s almost real paint!

“AAHHH” she says.

Oh… and then I had to tell her to clean the brush in between using the different colors  so as to not dirty each one…

There are so many little things we take for granted that EVERYONE knows …

Reality check: not so.

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