Saturday, May 7, 2011

Total Harmony

There are moments in life that just bring you peace. I hope you’ve had that experience. It can happen anywhere or any time: either when you are alone or with a group of people – whether you are sitting in silence or in a cacophony.

I had a beautiful and wondrous moment of peace this afternoon.

We went to Alejandria for another Rosary. This time at Cecilia’s house because it was her birthday. (That is another story).

We got there a little early to help cut fruit for the “ensalada” drink. It is made of water, a large assortment of small pieces of diced up fruit (apple, grape, strawberry, mango, mamay, watermelon and cantaloupe in this case but it can have whatever in it), and some sugar to taste. We made several gallons which were later put into baggies for later distribution. We also helped make chicken sandwiches. These are made with large French rolls – the majority of the filling is cooked shredded cabbage and shredded carrots. It has minimal chicken. And they do have the occasional bone so you have to be careful with your bites. We finished just in time as the people began to arrive. We started the Rosary pretty much on time at 3:30. Balmore and the youth led the prayers and reflections. And Blanca led the singing with almost everyone joining.

There were about 35 or so people in attendance. The youngest was about 18 months (he fell asleep) and the oldest was about 83. There were lots of in between aged folks.

This was the 7th Rosary of the month … and for you Catholics out there, it was the Glorious Mysteries we prayed. (Thank you Sandy for the pamphlet that explained the Rosary to me! - it is still hard to recite the things other than the Hail Mary and the Lord’s Prayer – I do it in Spanish with everyone here …I’m hoping someday I can do it all not only in Spanish, but also in English!!)

So when was my beautiful and wondrous moment of peace?

Towards the end – and the Rosary here takes about an hour and a half … Blanca began a song that is common for the Rosaries. She has a strong voice. It is not refined or trained and it is very typical of the Latin American Style. You must know – that it isn’t necessarily important that you can carry a tune here – loud is the important thing. But thankfully, Blanca can carry a tune.

She began – and the others joined in almost immediately. Not everyone there could carry a tune. But somehow for this song – their ‘harmony’ worked. And it was absolutely lovely; loudish, heartfelt and sincere.

It made me want to weep – but at the same time my spirit was lifted. I wish I could describe it better. Or better yet, I wish for someday - that you (dear reader) may have this same experience.

Alabemos al Santísimo                    We praise the most Holy
Sacramento del altar                        Sacrament of the altar
En los cielos y en la tierra                In the skies and in the land
Aquí y en todo lugar.                        Here and in every place

Sing slowly and with emotion.

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