Saturday, September 18, 2010

Read Alisha's Blog!!

Alisha was one of the delegates here last week.  Every night she faithfully wrote wonderfully detailed blogs for each day.

I'm going to 'cheat' and suggest you read those.  I might write a bit here and there about some of the things we did from my perspective - but for now - from her writings, you can see why I don't write much while people are here.  The end of the day arrives and I'm exhausted!!  (And Alisha is a LOT younger than me and a night owl to boot - that's MY excuse anyway).

so here is her link:


Not only does she share the day - but she embellishes with facts and information that she has looked up to give more meaning to some of the things we see and hear.

So thank you Alisha for letting me 'pirate' your blogs.  But I'm giving grateful credit where the credit is due!
Love you girl.
And I miss you and Lynn already!


Alisha Lundberg said...

I miss you too!!! Glad to hear you got home okay. Big hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

The link you posted didn't work...I had to add .com to the end of it.